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Tiny fingers, tiny toes,

Perfect eyelashes, button nose.


Newborn sessions are a whole different ball game to regular shoots so have a peek at my tips


  • Play and interact with your awake baby as much as you can in the time leading up to your session. We want baby to be nice and sleepy during the session.


  • A baby with a full tummy is a happy, sleepy baby! Please be prepared to feed baby a few times during your session. You could feed baby before you leave home/ or I arrive and hopefully they will be in a nice deep sleep to start the session (but don't worry if they're not!).


  • Newborn sessions generally take 3-4 hours. We won’t rush at all
    and simply follow your baby’s lead. We will spend lots of time
    simply soothing and snuggling your little one, so feel free to
    bring snacks, a book, or take a nap. Oh, and make sure you let
    Dad know it will take this long!


  • Bring some extra wipes, nappies and muslins, and maybe even a
    spare top as almost all parents get peed or pooped on during a session.
    It’s hard to avoid with a naked newborn around!


  • The room will be nice and toasty warm, as we want baby to be comfortable enough to sleep in the nude.


  • If you have older children you’d like photographed with your newborn, we will do those pictures either at the beginning or end of the session. Three hours is a long time for big brother or sister, so plan on having one parent/ grandparent either bring them late to the session or leave early with them so they don’t have to stick around.


  • We'll always take baby's lead and not all babies like certain poses, but I promise we’ll do the best we can!

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